Your house doesn’t sparkle even after cleaning
Cleaning is not as easy as we say. It can take a longer period to complete the task. I do understand that you can be busy with a lot of errands for a day, or you might be an elderly person trying to do the basic cleaning at home, or maybe you might be a mom of 3 or 4 daring kids. Cleaning can be a large chore to be done regularly.
Have you ever come across situations where you feel, your house doesn’t look tidy enough even after the long hours of cleaning? And did you feel that your hard work was not paid enough? Wondered what could be the reason behind this?
No more worries about this anymore. I have got you a few reasons why your house might still look dirty even after long hours of cleaning.
Dirty blinds or window coverings
Observe the color difference of your blinds from day 1 till now. You would understand the difference there. This is because during cleaning we forget about the blinds. We focus more on vacuuming and mopping.
Solution – Make sure you wash your curtains at least once in three weeks. If you have window blinds, you can use a wet cloth or a brush that can easily go in between to clean the dust and dirt. Do not forget to wipe the window glasses and mirrors. You can use the glass cleaner liquid which is available in all stores to cleanse both, the mirrors and the glasses.
Too many things
I understand some people like having too many kinds of stuff in their house. They might like decorating their rooms with every tiny object. And some just dump things in the corners, on tabletops, on chairs, bed corners, etc. This can define your house to be untidy even if you vacuum your floor every day.
Solution – Remove all unnecessary objects from corners, tabletops, beds, and chairs. Make sure you put away the things in the right place or dispose of the unnecessary stuff. Remove all papers as they make the place look clumsier. If there were clothes piled up in the corners of your bed make sure you put them in the right place for a brighter house. Remember “Clear the Cutter”.

Excessive bed linens
You might have too many bed linen piled on your bed. If you had kids then yes, they love to have thick blankets and many pillows while sleeping. Some people also like to sleep among many soft pillows to make sure they have a comfortable sleep (like sleeping in the clouds). It is totally fine!
Solution – Whenever you wake up, make sure you do your bed neatly. Put all the extra pillows and blankets in the wardrobes. Do not roll them up and keep it in the corners of the bed. Set your bed with just two pillows and a blanket or maybe two. That would do.
Walls with holes
Sometimes we might have holes in the wall where we used to have a nail. When the nail is removed, the hole stays there forever. The sight of having nail holes on your wall can destroy the beauty of your house.
Solution – To cover these nail holes, pictures can be used to hang on the walls. Changing the wall décor too helps. This can cover holes, cracks, and give a new look to your house. Choosing a wall décor that matches your floor would give additional beauty to your house.
Incomplete Laundry
Piled up clothes do play an important role when it comes to tidiness. Having a house which is cleaned every day is not enough when you are having piled up clothes. Too many laundry baskets around the house is also not a good idea. What can you do to sort out the laundry problem?
Solution – Have a laundry day. Try doing laundry once a week (for 4 members). Sort the clothes to the right places on the same day. If it has to be washed, put the clothes in a separate basket which has a lid too. If the clothes are already cleaned, put them into your wardrobes or closets. Get it organized neatly.
Kid’s Toys
If you do not have kids below the age of 7, you do not have to mind about this. But if you are a mom with naughty kids, then yes, you’ve got a lot of chores. Kids generally spread out toys while they play. They like playing in different places than staying on the same. It is their nature. But on the other side are you worried that it can spoil the cleanliness of your house? I’ve got you a few solutions.
Solution – Once the kids are done playing get all the toys back to place. Make sure it is organized well. Have different boxes or large bags to place all the toys. Have a playroom where you can have all the kids’ toys and belongings. Well, it is also better to teach your kids about putting things back to place. They too can learn the chores and help you sort the toys.
Fan Blades
Warm weather and ceiling fans go well together. Generally during the process of cleaning, we focus more on the floor than the ceiling, fans, and lights. Even if we remove the cobwebs in the top corners, we forget the fans or the air conditioners which has blades. If your house has ceiling fans, then the dust that deposits on the blades can be very prominent. If you have fans in white, the brown layer of dust can be clearly seen.
Solution – Fans should be cleaned once in two weeks. There are microfiber brushes which can be extendable to reach out to the fan blades. Using them to clean the dust is very helpful. It brushes off the dirt easily. If you don’t have that brush, you can use a ladder to climb up and clean using a hand towel and a spray. Cleaning the ceiling fan blades is also as important as cleaning the floors.
Final Word
The above-discussed seven reasons could be the main cause for an untidy look of your house even after cleaning. It might hard to manage your busy schedules and managing the house. Austral Cleaning is here to help you have a spotless home. I hope these facts help you brighten up your house. Happy Cleaning!
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