Professionals at the End of Lease Cleaning Service in Perth

Credibility matters.

Keep stress out of your mind and concentrate on the day’s schedule! It’s our job to focus on getting your house ready before the move out journey or an end of lease inspection. Think the task is too big for us to handle? This is literally what we specialize in!

Vacate Cleaning Perth Prices

All our prices include labour charges, chemical & equipment cost. You can book with fixed price or hourly rates.


$299+ GST


$349+ GST


$399+ GST


$549+ GST


$649+ GST

Bond Cleaning

  • Please Call For a Quote

Bond Cleaning

$60+ GST
  • Normal price – $80.00
  • Discounted – $60.00

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Our End of lease Cleaning Service in Perth Comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

If you’re in need of a vacate cleaning service in Perth, you’ve come to the right place. Our professional team has the expertise and tools to ensure your property remains pristine.

Our vacate cleaning service covers every nook and cranny of your property, from top to bottom. We understand the importance of leaving a property in immaculate condition in order to receive your bond back, and that’s why we guarantee our service.

Leave your vacate cleaning to us – we’ll make your move stress-free!

Our team comprises highly skilled professionals who use only the best cleaning equipment and products to ensure a thorough cleaning. We have years of experience in the industry, which means we know exactly what is required to leave your property in top condition.

We offer various services as part of our vacate cleaning service, including carpet cleaning, window cleaning, oven cleaning and much more. We can even tailor our service to your specific needs and requirements, ensuring you receive the service you need at a price that suits your budget.

We pride ourselves on our attention to detail and commitment to exceptional customer service. Our team will arrive at your property on time and work efficiently to ensure the timely completion of the job. We understand the stress of moving out of a property, so we aim to make the process as stress-free as possible for you.

So if you’re in need of a vacate cleaning service in Perth, look no further than our team. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and to receive a quote.

How we Work ?

Cleaners will be sent once contacted and a quote has been prepared for setting grounds. From there onwards, work is carried out in an efficient manner. Yet, no compromises when it comes to safety. In-order to make sure that your bond is returned back in full.

There’s one thing that the 12 years of extensive experience in this industry has taught us. That’s to work in a methodical way in-order to achieve our customers’ expectations and gain their trust. Austral Cleaning is fully licensed with services that are insured. If there are any bond related issues or work is not satisfactory,  we are obliged to reclean free of charge within 48 hours.

Not just tenants, our cleaners are equipped with the necessary machinery, tools and cleaning accessories to offer vacate cleaning services to;

  • Landlords and real estate agents who are looking to turn their premises back to rentable state.
  • Property owners wishing to avoid costly renovations and increase their property’s market value
  • Property developers and rental investors with multiple properties (offering the best rates for all)

Make use of our comprehensive vacate cleaning services from across Perth! Available in customizable packages.

Note that wall spot cleaning, wall wash, outside window cleaning and blinds cleaning are not included in the vacate cleaning package and can be done at extra charge upon request.

Vacate Cleaning Perth Checklist

  • Dust inside of all built-in cabinetry
  • Wipe all countertops and surfaces
  • Clean inside and outside of oven and dishwasher (additional labor hour applies for the microwave, fridge and defrost freezer)
  • Clean rangehood, grill and cooktop
  • Clean sink and taps (including descaling)
  • Window cleaning including sills, tracks and frames (internal only)
  • Vacuuming of all floors
  • Dust off blinds
  • Blinds Cleaning (additional charges will apply)
  • Wall Wash/Wall Spot Cleaning (additional charges will apply)
  • Clean sink, toilet and bath tubs (including taps)
  • Treatment and removal of mould (if removable only)
  • Tile cleaning
  • Clean all surface areas, shower rails and mirrors
  • Wipe away all floors
  • Dust and wash all surfaces
  • Clean mirrors
  • Dust fans
  • Wipe exterior of air conditioning units and clean filters
  • Clean out any built-in cabinetry, cupboards and wardrobes
  • Dust and clean skirting boards
  • Vacuum and wash floors
  • Dust off blinds
  • Blinds Cleaning (additional charges will apply)
  • Wall Wash/Wall Spot Cleaning (additional charges will apply)
  • Window cleaning including sills, tracks and frames (internal only)
  • Dust and wash all surfaces
  • Clean mirrors
  • Dust fans
  • Wipe exterior of air conditioning units and clean filters
  • Clean out any built-in cabinetry, cupboards and wardrobes
  • Dust and clean skirting boards
  • Vacuum and wash floors
  • Dust off blinds
  • Blinds Cleaning (additional charges will apply)
  • Wall Wash/Wall Spot Cleaning (additional charges will apply)
  • Window cleaning including sills, tracks and frames (internal only)
  • Dust and wash all surfaces
  • Clean mirrors
  • Dust fans
  • Wipe exterior of air conditioning units and clean filters
  • Clean out any built-in cabinetry, cupboards and wardrobes
  • Dust and clean skirting boards
  • Vacuum and wash floors
  • Dust off blinds
  • Blinds Cleaning (additional charges will apply)
  • Wall Wash/Wall Spot Cleaning (additional charges will apply)
  • Window cleaning including sills, tracks and frames (internal only)

Sweep out only

Vacate Cleaning Perth FAQs

The cost of a vacate clean in Perth varies based on several factors, including the size and condition of the property, and the specific services required. On average:

  • A one-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment costs around $250.
  • A two-bedroom property typically costs about $300.
  • A three-bedroom, two-bathroom house averages around $400​ (Bond Cleaning In Perth)​.

Additional services, such as carpet steam cleaning, exterior window cleaning, and wall spot cleaning, can increase the cost. These extras are often necessary for ensuring a full bond return, and prices can vary depending on the level of detail required​

No, both refer to the same type of cleaning. A guarantee is given to tenants stating that their security bonds wouldn’t be at risk but rather returned in full.

The time taken and number of cleaners coming in will depend on the size of your property. The number one priority at the end of the day will be to complete your vacate cleaning on time and in a manner that will get your bond back.

Definitely. Our service will come with a tailor made quotation based on the workload. The quotation will include the rates of cleaning additional rooms

We recommend that you make the call at least one week before the end of your lease. Giving us more than enough time to organize our schedule. Though, this doesn’t mean we’ll not attend to urgent requests.

Why Choose Austral Cleaning for End of Lease Cleaning?

  1. Professional Expertise: Our team of highly-trained and experienced cleaners knows what it takes to meet the strict requirements of end-of-lease inspections. We are well-versed with the cleaning standards set by landlords and property managers, ensuring you get your full bond back.
  2. Comprehensive Cleaning Solutions: We offer a comprehensive range of cleaning services that cover every nook and cranny of your property. From deep cleaning carpets and upholstery to removing stubborn stains, we leave nothing to chance.
  3. Eco-Friendly Approach: We are committed to using environmentally friendly cleaning products that are safe for your family and pets. Our green cleaning solutions ensure a healthier living environment without compromising on the quality of the cleaning.
  4. State-of-the-Art Equipment: Our team is equipped with the latest cleaning tools and equipment to ensure a thorough and efficient cleaning process. We use high-quality vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, and other specialized tools to achieve exceptional results.
  5. Customized Cleaning Packages: We understand that every property is unique, and cleaning requirements may vary. Therefore, we offer customizable cleaning packages tailored to meet your specific needs and budget.
  6. Flexible Scheduling: We value your time, and our services are designed to be flexible to accommodate your busy schedule. Whether you need a cleaning service during the weekdays, weekends, or after-hours, we’ve got you covered.

Get Your Free Cleaning Quote Today:

Don’t risk losing your bond due to subpar cleaning. Let the professionals at Austral Cleaning handle the end of lease cleaning for you. Contact us today to get a free quote and schedule your cleaning appointment. With our reliable and efficient service, you can rest assured that your property will be left spotless and ready for the final inspection. Moving out has never been this stress-free!